The video below is a step by step guide on how to connect to your BlackVue dash camera via iPhone or iPad.

Make sure the following has been done before attempting the steps in the video:

  • Your BlackVue camera is switched on
  • The camera's Wi-Fi has been turned on
  • You have the BlackVue dash camera app from the Apple App store

If everything above has been done, you may now go through the steps in the video in order to successfully connect to your BlackVue dash camera.

Please note, if your camera was not bought from a car dealership, most likely your camera's Wi-Fi password is the one found on the barrel of the camera, on the section hidden by the camera bracket when inserted. Please make sure to copy this password down as you will need it to connect to your camera.

If the video above does not provide all of the information you need, then please visit our other article.